Monday, March 19, 2012

Drivers Of The Future

Teenagers are the bad guys, drunks also. People who doesn't have any responsibility in the traffic. But what have we missed? Dogs in the traffic?

photo: AcidGreenPooch
I was walking and walking and stumbled upon the future driver. It came to me as a shock and I instantly got a movie idea. "What if dogs could drive cars?"

Obviously they're eager to try, why would this big beast sit in the front behind the steering wheel? And what about the hair on the seat?? Now I do know the owner went in to buy burgers and when she got back she wasn't surprised at all her big comprande took the leading place. However I wouldn't want dog hair in my burgers.

So, when she entered the car the white beast moved and she drove away. I was left in a frozen state of mind. But not even that could stop me from taking pictures of this weird happening. Usually, you see small pooches bark at you at the front seat, which is so so cute but when you witness this you're just amazed.

More dog drivers for the people! I vote YES, for dogs in the traffic.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Facebook Admits Bluffing

Fake users are swarming facebooks virtual world. You might be chatting to a person you already know.

Mark Zuckerberg  photo: wikipedia
5-6 percent of Facebooks active members, approximately 42 million, are fake. During an inspection by the federal authorities Facebook admitted that all the 845 millions aren't all real identities. This happened before the upcoming stock exchange and can have an impact on the shares value.

Poor Zuckerberg probably didn't count with this, especially after having Yahoo up his buttocks. How much money Yahoo wants for intruding in their patents, is unclear. But we think it's loads. Yahoo has hired the big shot Quinn Emanuel, who has done jobs for Google. We are anxiously waiting for rumors or news, give us.

And.. it doesn't stop there.

Recent Swedish studies has shown people feel sick of being on Facebook or not visiting it regularly, especially women, according to the psychology researchers at the Goteborg's university, students and an advertising bureau. They have interviewed 1000 swedish facebook users, writes DN.

The researchers believe a big factor of this problem is, they are comparing their lives with others. Well, hello??? Women have done this for thousands of years, and not only them, all have. I don't need to be a scientist to figure this out, do you?

Did I say poor Mark? Having three problems in one. We wish him good luck, dear Chuck.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monster fish found

Few hundreds of kg dinner darling?

Nathan Adams is a one lucky fisherman who has hauled in a giant bluefin tuna.  The monster fish weighs 335kg and was caught off the coast of the country's North Islands.

Nathan's first dream, when he started fishing, was to catch a giant bluefin exactly like that, according to himself. But as it sounds, his wife Lisa might be a tiny problem in the decision of placing the fish somewhere. She's not very keen on to have a cast of the fish mounted in their living room wall.

Frankly, no wife would be keen on that. Who want a big fish on the wall? Put it in the garage dude. Have your beer-nights there with the buddies and look at the fish for the rest of your life, next to your car.
Let it smell in peace and give your car a nice odour.

He also says, "But I've got nowhere else to put it.", which is slightly unbelievable. You are a clever guy, you'll find a spot and if not I just gave you an idea in this post.
We wish him good luck, since he is angling for a world record. Stay focused and don't get too stinky!

Read more at the sun right here

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dog Gets A Facelift

We thought it was enough with real humans but now even dogs get plastic surgery. For a price of $13,000 a bloodhound got a face lift, tummy tuck and other surgeries. The owners admit some of the surgeries were cosmetic.

Nick Obank/Barcroft Media
Unfortunately has the pooch a rare disease that cause excess skin to develop on its body and face which makes him unable to see etc. So, the surgeries was needed for medical reasons too.

But $13,000? Well sure, if people got the money then it's up to them what to do but the thing that's frightening my mind is "don't let this become an ordinary thing to do..". Although, that could create more jobs for people? But the poor doggies are going to be the victims for human greed or mind. As with everything, it got its ups-&-downs.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Same-sex Unions are "Madness"

The archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Keith O'Brein apparently doesn't agree with the proposal of legalising same-sex unions. The Coalition for Marriage is in outright opposition to the prime minister David Cameron.

Cardinal Keith O'Brein
photo: wikipedia
The Cardinal is obviously against the thought of a legalised gay-marriage but dealing with the sins in their own religion seems to be less prioritised. We all have heard those stories, now I do not accuse anyone of anything, I'm just saying...

Moving on... Keith calls this whole thing a "grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right" and also he accuse the ministers of coming up with plans that would "shame the United Kingdom in the eyes of the world", according to

-Heck, here I thought he'd say "these plans would shame God", but I guess the world is more important? Now I do also find more things grotesque than legalising a gay-marriage, such as this read me or you know wiki has a lot of answers too being found here read me too.

Cardinal Keith continues with "same-sex marriage would eliminate entirely in law the basic idea of a mother and a father for every child. It would create a society which deliberately chooses to deprive a child of either a mother or a father".  Now if the mother or father doesn't function well as a parent in one family but a mother and mother function better in another, what more harm would it do to a child than a non-functioning father/mother family?

Let's hope Mr Cameron does a good thing in this modern world.

Read more about this here

Craigslist Has Dogs

It's a centralized network of online communities where free online advertisements are featured under sections devoted to sales, gigs, jobs etc. But it's also a place for finding oddities.

As we know, there's a lot of weird people out there with weird fantasies and desire. Who think they can be completely anonymous while having weird and odd requests on Internet. However, they fail too.

Three people in Arizona have been accused of trying to find a dog for a woman to have sex with, on Craigslist, according to ABC's news reports. As if it wasn't enough with her husbands and lovers equipment? They've been in touch with an owner of a Golden Shepherd and were hoping after spending three weeks corresponding with her over the dog, that she'd be up for it. But when they arrived -detectives were waiting for them.

How disturbing. Luckily these people didn't find a dog to penetrate the woman, however what makes me shiver is that all of them were dog owners.

Shane Walker, 38, and his wife Sarah Dae, 34, and the lover Robert Aucker, 30, were actually arrested and their plans went down the toilet, where they should stick their head and be ashamed for life.