Monday, March 19, 2012

Drivers Of The Future

Teenagers are the bad guys, drunks also. People who doesn't have any responsibility in the traffic. But what have we missed? Dogs in the traffic?

photo: AcidGreenPooch
I was walking and walking and stumbled upon the future driver. It came to me as a shock and I instantly got a movie idea. "What if dogs could drive cars?"

Obviously they're eager to try, why would this big beast sit in the front behind the steering wheel? And what about the hair on the seat?? Now I do know the owner went in to buy burgers and when she got back she wasn't surprised at all her big comprande took the leading place. However I wouldn't want dog hair in my burgers.

So, when she entered the car the white beast moved and she drove away. I was left in a frozen state of mind. But not even that could stop me from taking pictures of this weird happening. Usually, you see small pooches bark at you at the front seat, which is so so cute but when you witness this you're just amazed.

More dog drivers for the people! I vote YES, for dogs in the traffic.


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