Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monster fish found

Few hundreds of kg dinner darling?

Nathan Adams is a one lucky fisherman who has hauled in a giant bluefin tuna.  The monster fish weighs 335kg and was caught off the coast of the country's North Islands.

Nathan's first dream, when he started fishing, was to catch a giant bluefin exactly like that, according to himself. But as it sounds, his wife Lisa might be a tiny problem in the decision of placing the fish somewhere. She's not very keen on to have a cast of the fish mounted in their living room wall.

Frankly, no wife would be keen on that. Who want a big fish on the wall? Put it in the garage dude. Have your beer-nights there with the buddies and look at the fish for the rest of your life, next to your car.
Let it smell in peace and give your car a nice odour.

He also says, "But I've got nowhere else to put it.", which is slightly unbelievable. You are a clever guy, you'll find a spot and if not I just gave you an idea in this post.
We wish him good luck, since he is angling for a world record. Stay focused and don't get too stinky!

Read more at the sun right here

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